[Review] – Survivor Song

Survivor SongPaul Tremblay Survivor Song will be released in the UK on 07th July, 2020, by Titan Books Reading something centred around a pandemic, in the midst of a pandemic, is a weird feeling. Seeing the way people react in fiction to pandemics, after seeing actual real life reactions, is a weird feeling. Six months ago,ContinueContinue reading “[Review] – Survivor Song”

[Review] – The Fucking Zombie Apocalypse

By Bryan Smith By my count, this is Smith’s 41st published work and I guess he wanted to celebrate this by putting the word “fucking” in one of his book titles. As he should.  The more that I think about it, the more I believe he should’ve put this word in all of his titles: Fucking KillContinueContinue reading “[Review] – The Fucking Zombie Apocalypse”